Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Blog Post

Your first Blog post (optional but encouraged) is due Thursday January 20th. 
Here are a few prompts to get you started, and a guide for posts…

1. The Sociological Perspective. Discuss the difference between “common sense” and the sociological perspective. Choose a “common sense” assumption and suggest a way to “test” that assumption. 
2. Personal Trouble vs. Public Issue. Find a news article of an event and classify it as “personal trouble” or a “public issue”; back up your claims with available statistics if possible. 
3. Sociological factors. Explain the difference between individual and structural factors. Choose an example of a social phenomena and cite the individual and structural influences on that behavior. 
4. Culture. Choose a concept that is a component of culture. Cite examples from our culture (this can be U.S., Utah, your home country) and a different one. 
5. Theories. Choose a theoretical perspective and discuss what “parts” of society a sociologist from that perspective would examine. 

Guide for Blog Posts:
1. Choose a theory, concept or idea that we have discussed in class, or that closely relates to class material. 
2. Select an example to illustrate the concept, or support/refute the theory. This may be a research article, video, song, news piece, book, personal experience, local story, interview, etc. 
3. Provide at least one “discussion question” to provoke classmate’s responses

Rubric for Blog Posts:
1. Mentions a relevant theory, concept or idea
2. Gives a coherent explanation/example that shows comprehension of chosen topic
3. Free of major grammatical errors and offensive remarks

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