Polygamy/polyandry is the act of having multiple life long partners. It has been around since the beginning of time, but with new reality shows on about every subject possible; it has come to the forefront of social media. The question I pose to you, is a form of polygamy the answer to our high divorce rates?
Most juvenile delinquents in today’s world come from broken homes of either divorced parents or a non-existent parent. The psychological effect this has on children is very saddening. In 2010, 2,077,000 marriages occurred in the United States. For every 1,000 marriages, 3.4 ended in divorce. People are not taking the time needed to select the partner they can live with for the rest of their lives. Instead, they look at marriage as a goal they must accomplish to move forward in life. This leads to a large amount of affairs, as they feel a large disconnect from their marriages. Instead of trying to work things out, people give up, and go back to searching. According to divorcerate.org, people are 60% more likely to divorce a second time if their first marriage fails. That statistic jumps to 73% if their first two fail. This sociological issue is out of control, and needs to be examined in more detail.
One solution that many will deny is polygamy/polyandry. One of the largest reasons for divorce is adultery or infidelity. Men and women alike become sexually disconnected with their partners and search for that connection with others. Polygamy seems to answer all these issues. Men are the more likely to wander into affairs. If they have more than one wife, they won’t feel disconnected from them all. Woman with more than one husband can feel sexually free. Many view polygamy as a terrible evil, but for an odd reason we think of adultery as much more acceptable? I feel cheating or committing adultery is the worst possible thing you could do to your partner. If polygamy were more accepted I feel it would significantly lower the divorce rate, while also lower the burden of women in the home. With more than one to help clean, cook, and take care of the children, the amount of stress would decrease significantly. The question still remains though, is polygamy the answer? That’s for your own interpretation.
One question--is a man with more than one wife to support and emotionally relate to really less likely to have an affair? Two wives might be more stifling than one!