Monday, September 19, 2011

Healthcare in Prison

“Imagine a place where you don’t have to pay anything or no more than $5 for a visit to the medical clinic, Where your physician-prescribed medications cost you nothing, where there is no penalty for missing work or school to go to the clinic, and where every individual has an absolute right to access and receive “adequate, reactive” health care. Welcome to prison!”

Conflict Theory: Not only do prisoners get free health care, but they will also be provided with 3 meals a day, a roof over their head, and central heating/ air conditioning.
The government provides free or next to free health care services to prisoners but will deny availability to senior citizens when nursing homes are needed.

hy are prisons over crowded? Lets look at James Verone for an example. Verone robbed a bank for one dollar because he needed medical treatment. He had no job and no money and knew if he went to jail, his expenses would be paid for. Verone is hoping for a 3-year sentence because this would give him "free health care, a place to live until he was old enough to collect a Social Security check."

Is this what the world is coming to in order to get health care? Why are prisoners
guaranteed shelter, meals, and free health care while hard working Americans aren't? Our government needs to reevaluate the US Health Care system.

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