Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I've made a detailed guide for the final project, with some due dates just to keep you on track. I have also emailed it to everyone via webadvisor.
Here it is:

Introduction to Sociology
Final Project Guidelines
Spring 2011

The Documentary Option:
This option allows you to present your short research project in the form of a short video. You may work in groups of any size, keeping in mind that you will hand in a summary of everyone’s role.

Components of the project:

1. Topic: any social issue or phenomena that affects people in Salt Lake
2. Research: At least two pages of background information that you will present in some way in the video. This part does not have to be in a “paper” form, however it does have to be in your own words based on academic sources.

• What is the issue?
• Who does it affect?
• What are the consequences (how does it affect people’s lives in Utah?)
• How would each sociological perspective view the issue?

3. Sources: At least 3 academic articles (or books) on the issue. This does not need to be specific to Utah if information is not available. Websites of any kind do NOT count as sources, although they can be used for the project. Try to bring your first source to class Tuesday, November 1st to discuss in your group with my assistance. This will help get you started. If you have trouble finding sources-I will give recommendations.
4. Theory: Be sure to include an explanation of the theoretical perspective as well as how it applies.
5. Interviews: You will conduct 3-5 interviews as “qualitative data”. Remember, you are presenting the background for this topic, so your interviews do not serve to explain the issue, they serve as examples of perspectives. You should show at least two different (in some cases opposite) perspectives of WHY the issue exists or why certain action has been taken.

Things to hand in by November 17:
1. Background research in hard copy form
2. A list of references

Things to hand in on December 13 at 6:00 pm:
1. Video
2. A description of each group member’s contribution

Be creative! The rest is up to you—and I am always available to assist you in any way I can. These need to be quality projects, although you will not be assessed on “style”.

The paper option:
In this option you will not do original research, but will review the literature on a social issue that is present in Utah and compare two sociological perspectives. You will work independently on this, but I am available to assist you in finding resources, etc.

1. What is the issue?
2. Who does it affect?
3. How would (at least two) sociological perspectives explain the problem?
4. What is the evidence for each perspective?
5. Which perspective best explains the issue?

Things to hand in:
1. Paper: 10-12 pages
2. References: At least 3 academic sources

Your paper should be well organized. You will not be assessed on which perspective you think is best, but you will be assessed on how well you articulate the argument.

Your paper’s outline/sections should look like this:
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Scope of Problem
4. Theoretical Explanations
5. Evidence
6. Conclusions
7. References

Try to have your topic by Tuesday, November 1st, as well as one resource (academic article or book). It will be a work day—you will consult with me on your topic and I will be there to assist you in how to interpret the article and its arguments.

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